Třebíčská cateringová společnost | Cateringové služby, závodní stravování, restaurace a jídelna Třebíčanka
Třebíč catering company | Catering services, company catering, The Restaurant and canteen Třebíčanka
About us
Our services
Restaurant Trebicanka
Canteen Třebíčanka
Company catering
Catering services
Gourmet club
Gastro rental service
Formal events
Rent of facilities
Boat reception on the boat Dalešice
Examples of other receptions
Reception open-air opera Nabucco
Examples of arranged plates
Reception for TTS company
Gastro event in The club Béčko
Wedding in The club Béčko
Reception for Esko-T Třebíč company
Reception in Roudnice nad Labem
Examples of arranged plates
Třebíč catering company | Catering services, company catering, The Restaurant and canteen Třebíčanka